Why Traditional Business Process Outsourcing Simply Doesn't Work

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How We Help Our Clients Mitigate Data Security Risks

When it comes to engaging with a global workforce, one of the biggest concerns of business owners is making sure their valuable data is safe and secured. Of course, today’s digital world makes it easier to do so, but working with a company that values your data security concerns as much as you do will help you eliminate risks and protect your privacy.


5 Myths About Co-Employment: DEBUNKED

Co-employment is a relationship between a professional employer organization (PEO) and a business to split the benefits and responsibilities of being employers. It allows businesses to compliantly hire full-time employees in countries where they don’t have a presence.


What Are SMART GOALS and Why Are They Important

Setting certain goals for your business can help you keep track of what’s working or not. These targets can help you make adjustments along the way and even promote accountability for you and your team. So here’s an effective tool you can use as a guide in creating valuable goals for your business!


A New World of Work

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has changed the way people work, especially in the United States, where 70% of full-time workers switched to remote. Along with that is the increasing success of outsourcing as more and more small to medium businesses hire offshore.


Global Talent Preferences 2022

Between the remnants of the global pandemic, “the great resignation”, and the economic slump, there has never been a more difficult time to attract and retain valuable talent than today. While most employers stay the same, some are forced to re-evaluate their values and adapt to changes that enhance candidate experiences based on their motivations…

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